Australia has been identified as the country with the highest proportion of unique plant species found no where else on earth due to the collection of information that was concluded as part of a study called the State of the World’s Plants and Fungi 2023 (SOTWPF) Two hundred scientists from more than a hundred institutions in 30 countries worldwide contributed to the report.
This information was taken from the biodiversity council of australia
Almost 9 in 10 Australian plant species (88%) are endemic meaning they are found nowhere else on earth. Other countries with high proportions of unique species are New Zealand (69%), South Africa (67%) and Brazil (56%).
The report also identified Queensland and southwest Western Australia as darkspots where there is a lack of knowledge on biodiversity. These regions have high numbers of endemic species. “By international standards, Australia performed very poorly in conservation assessments. Only 39% (4 out of 10) of Australia’s unique species have had their threats and conservation status assessed. By comparison New Zealand and South Africa have each assessed 87% (almost 9 out of 10) of their unique species.
This information was taken from the biodiversity council of australia